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Two Ways You Are Getting Ripped Off Every Time You Run Payroll



There is an Epidemic of Employee Time Theft

As employers, we like to think we can trust our staff members. Without trust, not much can be achieved, but there are a couple of areas that provide an easy opportunity for your employees to take advantage if you aren’t watching cautiously, and it can cost you thousands.

In a survey of over 500 retail and service industry workers, over 30 percent admitted to flagrant time theft.1 Workers specifically mentioned using buddy punching and clock creep to steal time. You may already know what these are, but it's worth a review and a look at what you can do about them. 

The two main types of time theft identified in the survey mentioned above are:

1. Buddy punching. The Society for Human Resource Management defines buddy punching as, "an employee fraudulently punching in for another." 

2. Clock creep is simply recording inaccurate start and end times. An employee may punch in a few minutes early one day, and punch out a few minutes late the next. This adds up.

Buddy punching and clock creep result in an average loss of 4.5 hours per week, per employee. For one associate working at $10 per hour, that can be a loss of $45 per week. Not a big deal? Consider this…

Let’s presume you have 15 team members, each earning a wage of $10 per hour, and each of them are stealing an average of 4.5 additional hours per week. At this rate, you will be spending $675 per week in unsanctioned time. In a year, you will spend $35,100 for labor you never received; you just bought your employees a very nice new car for no good reason.

If you have more than 15 staff members, or you are paying more than $10 an hour, the scenario only gets worse.

How can you protect yourself? Better time clock management. 

Solutions such as Workforce Management Clock are specifically designed to cut down early punch-ins and late punch-outs, and a good system makes buddy punching almost impossible. The low cost for these solutions will astound you, and the savings it will deliver are far and above the nominal cost. 

1. “Employee Theft No Longer an If - It Is Now How Much!,” Kessler,, accessed March 6, 2017

 Workforce Management Clock

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