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How Long Should Employee Onboarding Take

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Tips For Success With Seasonal Employees

Our Team

Payroll and HR strategy requires intelligent technology, personal attention and specialized expertise in the needs and nuances of your business. 

Clients & Industries

We provide payroll and tax processing services for businesses from 1 to 1,000 employees or more. Today, we have nearly 1,000 customers in 40 states.

Horizon Payroll Blog

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Puzzle pieces

3 min read

3 Ways to Protect Yourself When Outsourcing Payroll

If the words “payroll fraud” make you cringe, you’re not alone. Perhaps you’ve seen a recent story in the national news, but unfortunately, it’s not...

Person entering password on mobile phone

4 min read

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cloud

Making the Connection Between Data, the Cloud, and Cybersecurity How many of these situations are familiar? You write down a password so you won’t...

Father and son sitting on bridge and fishing.jpeg

3 min read

It’s Phishing Season: Don’t Take the Bait

We've blogged on phishing before, but it's time for a refresh. In 2017 the IRS received approximately 900 complaints about phishing and suspected...


3 min read

W-2 Phishing Scam Targets Small Businesses, Schools and Others

As if you need one more thing to worry about this time of year, the IRS has issued an urgent alert regarding phishing scams. These scams target...


2 min read

The Real Costs of Identity Theft

Identity theft happens. According to the 2015 Identity Fraud Study, $16 billion was stolen from 12.7 million U.S. consumers in 2014. But how is all...


2 min read

Identify Theft - Protect Yourself and Your Employees

Identify theft is a problem we've been hearing about for years. Maybe it's happened to you or someone you know. But just how big is the problem these...